Why eat local?                                                 Here's what you can do to support family farms

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"More people are choosing to buy their food from local, family-farms...Here's why"

  • Local-food is fresher, and is often tastier and more nutritious

    It's nearly impossible for food that is packed, stored and shipped long distances to be as tasty or nutritious as locally-grown food.

  • Family-farms are better for the environment

    Farmers who live where they farm are usually very responsible stewards of the land, and are more likely to run their farms in a sustainable and environmentally-beneficial manner than large agribusinesses.

  • Locally-produced food conserves resources

    When you eat local, you help reduce our community's dependency on gas-guzzling transportation systems and costly packing materials. You also keep more food-buying dollars in the hands of regional farmers.

  • Local family-farms build rural economies

    Dollars generated in local communities change hands three or four times before they leave. This helps support diversity in the local economy and the proliferation of small businesses. Plus, family-farm dominated communities have higher overall standards of living --- including more retail trade, independent businesses, parks, schools, churches and community involvement --- than those communities dominated by large agribusinesses.

  • Family farms help children develop valuable skills and healthy values

    When you buy food from local, family farms, you are supporting a model of healthy family living where children learn to contribute by doing chores and helping with harvests --- and this helps shapes healthy attitudes toward the land and the value of responsible food production.

  • Locally-grown food protects genetic diversity

    Big agribusinesses favor extreme genetic characteristics in plants and animals, in order to increase profitability. Unfortunately, this can result in the loss of valuable genetic information, opening the door for catastrophic long-term consequences for the environment and the food supply. Buying locally-grown products from family farms helps promote a robust and diverse genetic pool in plants and livestock, which is healthier for people, and healthier for the planet.

  • Locally-operated family farms keep your taxes lower

    For every $1 in revenue raised by residential development, governments must spend at least $1.17 on services, thus requiring higher taxes from local residents. Conversely, for each $1 in revenue raised by farms, governments only spend about $0.34 on services. When you support local family farms with your food-buying dollars, you help keep government spending (and therefore taxes) lower.

  • Buying locally-grown food protects our food security

    Supporting family farms results in a sustainable and safer level of food security. Buying produce from Asia or meat products from South America through vast global agribusinesses creates structural dependencies on unregulated and environmentally-destructive production models, which can lead to potentially catastrophic consequences to the ecology of the planet and the safety of our food supply. However, when you buy from local family-run farms, you are supporting a sustainable model of food production that is governed by regulatory and environmental standards that were Made-in-Canada.

Here's what you can do to support family farms

CheckBuy your food directly from regional farms.
CheckBuy from your local farmers market.
CheckAsk your grocery store to stock locally grown farm products.
CheckServe meals prepared with locally grown food.
CheckEncourage your local school districts and hospitals to serve locally grown foods.
CheckDemand country-of-origin labeling on all the foods you buy.
CheckTell elected officials to support regionally-based agriculture to help keep our farm families living and working on the land.